The Railwayman – Winner of the 1996 NCR book award

VJ Heroes   We have been remembering some of the horrific stories of those brave soldiers who were fortunate enough to survive the horrors of the war at the hands of the Japanese.   As we have discovered, shockingly, on their return very little publicity or thanks was given to these people who suffered terribly in the cause of world peace.

The Railway Man is one of the best books to help us understand how people felt who were involved in this war.   It is the auto-biography of Eric Lomax, an ordinary north-country young man who ended up in one of the worst situations imaginable, but lived to tell the tale.  It is an amazingly well-written book, beginning with his childhood and bringing to life the different scenarios he was faced with before and during imprisonment and torture, then the mental struggles on his return.   The ending of the book is so remarkable that it is not fair to reveal it beforehand.   There are used copies to be found easily on the internet. 


Film.   If you prefer films to books, then why not download the film that was broadcast on BBC1 on 14th August and is still available to watch on Sky.  Used DVDs are available on Ebay for around £1.  Not an exact copy of the book but still a gripping film based on Lomax’s experiences.   Starring Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman there are some difficult scenes at times, but helps us appreciate how fortunate we all are to live in peaceful times and importantly, what others suffered to keep our freedom.

Please find time to watch or read The Railway Man – it helps to put Covid-19 rules in perspective.

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